P90x Week 12: Day 6 - Kenpo x

Last workout of this round!! We made it.

P90x Week 12: Day 5 - Legs and Back

I thought this workout was going to be easier since we are near the end of the program... it wasn't! I'm guessing it is because my muscles are confused and were expecting a recovery week. I felt low in energy too.

We endured even with kids climbing all over us while we did the exercises:

One more workout to go!!

P90x Week 12: Day 4 - Yoga

It isn't good to miss yoga days - I missed last Thursday's and think that was the reason I felt really stiff today. I think I said it before, if I could find more time, I think x-stretch would be beneficial for me. I am more flexible than I was at the beginning of P90x, but I could stand to improve a lot more.

Here we are again, stretching and breathing for the last yoga routine of this round of P90x:

P90x Week 12: Day 3 - Back and Biceps

Since it is our last bicep workout for the program, we went hard today to see if we could beat our previous week's records... and we are feeling it! It was a tough workout. I always feel like crying (it's ok, I'm in touch with my feminine side) during the last exercise - the bicep curls strip-sets. I don't think I've ever got to 8 reps on each set - my arms are dead by the end of this workout.

Half-way done the week - looking forward to a good yoga stretch tomorrow.

P90x Week 12: Day 2: Plyometrics

With a late night workout yesterday and our regular 10am workout this morning, it didn't feel like there was much rest in between. I was sweating so bad I had to put a head-band on - it looks dorky, but it was a necessity. My daughter thought it was her hair-band, so I had to share with her... kind of disgusting (for her), but true. See for yourself:

P90x Week 12: Day 1 - Chest Shoulders Triceps

This is our Easter Turkey Dinner workout ... we got back from a family dinner tonight and squeezed in the first workout of the last week. It was pretty intense and the food overdose didn't help. We are happy to be in the last week, and look forward to measuring the results at the end of the week... unless we keep eating like we did today (we may need to do another round of P90x to work that off).

P90x Week 11: Day 6 - Kenpo x

Have you ever noticed one of the hardest parts of Yoga X is the warm-up! After doing legs the previous day, it is difficult to get motivated to do yoga moves. The punches and kicks are expected, but for some reason I forget that I have to do a bit of yoga before the cardio starts. Maybe that's my problem; I'm not mentally prepared - I need to get psyched for not only the kicks and punches, but for the warm-up too!

Here we are, doing our last workout of week 11:

P90x Week 11: Day 5 - Legs and Back

Feels good to be back at it after missing yoga yesterday. I felt pretty sore after doing physical labor all day yesterday. My work is usually computer related, so I don't get to do much physical work (this was another reason we are doing P90x). I am sure I am less sore because I have been working out, but I am still sore.

Here's legs and back:

P90x Week 11: Day 4 - Yoga x

No video today - I was tied up doing some emergency work and Shilleen did Yoga x by herself. It's too bad, we were hoping to have a video of every workout . I suppose, if you really want to see us workout, you can have a look at last Thursday's video - it should be the same (minus any improvements we would have made in the past week).

We still have to plan how we are going to celebrate Easter and still do our workouts. We should be able to work it in our schedule even though we are going to be away for a couple days... stay tuned.

Comments from Shilleen: Didn't feel like doing yoga today....I woke up with a massive headache so bad it was extra hard to open the eyelids today.....Interestingly, enough when I was done Yoga...I thought to myself...wow! I actually feel considerly better, I may just be able to get through the day.