Week 3: Day 3 - P90x Shoulders and Arms - Doin it like a Teradactyl

First, I should probably explain the title... there's an amusing part in this workout during reverse arm-circle warm-up, where Tony compares the movement to a Teradactyl backing out of trouble - good for a laugh the first couple times you hear it and diverts your mind off the burning shoulders... Thanks Tony! (Now that we are in week three we are on a first-name basis)

About the workout - mid-week and feeling pretty good. We did some measurements this morning that were encouaging... not a ton of progress, but there was some and it was measureable. I think measuring progress helps to keep going - that is probably true for any goal.

Today, I actually did all the ab ripper exercises too - not in perfect form, but I was trying/struggling the whole time - no breaks! This is a huge for a guy that detests that workout! I'm taming the beast...



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