Week 1: Day 1: Toss the Junk! , Chest, Back, and Ab Ripper X

Today,we did a lot of measurements:

Body fat % measured with calipers.
I'm (Shilleen) 35% fat. Yes, I can feel every % of my body fat and I'm ready for it to shred off. I have been like this for four years since the birth of my first child (and since then I've had another baby and I am the same). I've exercised but I know for a fact that my portion control isn't the best. It looks like a realistic goal in decreasing body fat % is 1/2 to 1 percent per month..So, for me, I could drop down between 32-33.5. okay, okay, I will accept this fact. It looks like little by little, the fat will go away. Check out my entry of Calipers 101 I had surprising news.

Recorded our body measurements

Weighed ourselves: I've gained 5 pounds since christmas time. It is true the scale doesn't lie, I can feel it.

Calculated our P90X nutrition level. My nutrion level is level II...I'm a little nervous about that because that's a whopping 2400 calories minumum..I honestly don't think I have ever comsumed that much food in one day, but I will follow what the book says. It says try it and
adjust as needed.
Took pictures of our bodies (oh dear, the camera doesn't lie either).

It was Toss the Junk Day for us!! We will be starting the P90X Nutrition Plan tomorrow. Why? Check out the pictures... we had vasts amounts of turkey dinner leftovers and look at the scrumptious Almond Danish Puff. We wanted to make sure this yummy food was no where to be seen...so it's gone now and we're ready to fat shred our bodies...that's right for me GOOD-BYE dark chocolate (Shilleen's #1 weakness), and goodbye baking (mostly brownies which I probably bake once or twice a month in a 9x13 pan, cookies on occasion) . It's a sad time because I love to bake but I needed a good reason to stop. I have perfected my brownies to the point that it is impossible to stop eating them...I've been baking bread for the last two months and love it because we all know that homemade bread is so much better than bread from the store. Having said all this, I'm ready to BRING IT! I can do something else like sewing instead of baking right?

not p90X Almond Danish Pastry to die for
Good-bye Almond Danish Pastry!Good-bye turkey dinners

good-bye turkey dinners
Good-bye Carbs....Well at least for the Fat Shredder Phase.
We welcome the fat to shred off our bodies, pretty please?

P90X Phase I: Fat Shredder: Meal Plan Approach...we want to see if these recipes included in the P90X nutrition plan are any good so we'll try them for a week, and let you know. We'll take pictures and rate them.

Last the workout: Chest and Back and Ab Ripper X

Feeling strong today, sweating like crazy. It was good...of course my divebombers I'm hoping will improve. They are definitely the hardest. My goal is to be able to do 10 divebombers and to do 3 pullups without the chair, and be able to do the whole Ab Ripper X without taking breaks.


Unknown said...

Hi my name is Mohammed. I saw some of your videos and i liked it but since i can't afford the p90x i was wondering that approximately how many hours or minutes did you guys do each workout for each day since your guys videos were speedy.

Mike said...

Hi Mohammed - we spent about 1.5 hrs per day. Most workouts are about an 1 hour + 15min Abs - yoga is 1.5 hours alone.

Good luck with your workouts!

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